Will Tennis Survive the Year Without Roger


A season without Roger. How is tennis going to survive.

Among the grinders and the runners and the bashers, there was hardly anyone who contributed grace, poise and true beauty to the game. The person who did was Roger. And the person who is not going to be playing this season, is Roger.
Of course, the Djokovic fans must be partying like its the 4th of July. Roger’s out and Djokovic is free to try and take over the tennis circuit and tennis fans, but I doubt he will be able to appeal to Federer fanatics. He just doesn’t have the sense of belonging that Roger does.

Djokovic runs, Roger glides. Djokovic jumps, Roger flies. Djokovic hits, Roger just swings.

Well, Roger fans be ready to survive the season on long baseline rallies, inhuman like body stretches, muscled balls, and just plain old tennis, because Roger always brought something new, whether it was a tweener winner from behind the baseline, or a beautiful backhand cross court.


2 thoughts on “Will Tennis Survive the Year Without Roger

  • July 30, 2016 at 1:32 pm

    Hey this seems to be a new blog …. You definitely can write. Can you write some on my fav Murray? I’d love to hear your take on him.

  • August 12, 2016 at 11:33 am

    Tennis will survive, but some paid writers may not unless the find another superior.


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